Keystage 1 Teachers
We urgently need additional, experienced Keystage 1 Teachers for primary schools in Chesterfield.
In our experience, the best Keystage 1 Teachers have bags of energy and lively personalities. They can really connect with all young learners. Qualified Teacher Status and practical classroom experience within the previous 18 months is also essential. As is a sound knowledge of the national curriculum and a natural ability to plan and deliver fun lessons that keep all pupils fully engaged.
If this sounds like you, then why not give us a call? We would love to hear from you. You are exactly the type of teacher we need.
Are you:
- An experienced Keystage 1 Teacher with NQT/ECT/QTS
- A confident planner with a sound knowledge of the national curriculum
- Able to make lessons fun for young learners so they enjoy school
- An assessement for learning expert therefore ensuring pupil progress
- Flexible in terms of availability for work
- Above all, a teacher they will always remember as your lessons were the best!
All positions are subject to relevant qualifications and/or experience, references and enhanced DBS checks.
Why choose us?
- School House Recruitment are an independent, multi award winning education recruitment specialist.
- We hold the acclaimed REC Audited Education Gold Standard Award for excellence in teacher recruitment. In other words we are very good at what we do!
- Our Teachers/TA’s enjoy excellent rates of pay and we also have a referral bonus scheme when they introduce friends/colleagues – just to say thank you.
- School House Recruitment provide exceptional support from friendly consultants who work hard to find the best assignments for everyone.
- We offer access to a large selection of FREE CPD courses via online learning to help you in your career progression
We have built a reputation for excellence with our schools and supply staff – click here to see what they say about us.